Wellville Gathering

The annual Wellville Gathering brought together people from the Wellville 5, the Wellville National team and Advisory Board, and other advisors and experts, to learn with and from each other. 

Over the course of three days, teams from each W5 community: 

  1. Spent focused, lightly structured time collaborating on plans for the coming year, without distractions.
  2. Learned from other W5 communities, invited subject matter experts, and the Wellville National team and Advisory Board members.
four people from Spartanburg Wellville chat at the 2019 Wellville Gathering
Samantha Campbell, Kathy Dunleavy, Kathleen Brady and Wilma Moore share a laugh at the 2019 Wellville Gathering.

What was most valuable? Connecting with useful resources and learning from peers, [and] having time to engage more deeply as a team and with the work.